How is this even possible? Soy bean has always been associated with health as it is rich in nutrients such as protein and lecithin. The demand for soy bean has definitely increased in the past few years as we are able to see more soy bean and bean curd shops opening up around schools, shopping centres, offices as well as residential areas. Soy also serves as meat and milk for a new generation of virtuous vegetarians due to their high nutritional values.
Now lets see the reason I say beans are bad for us. A research into Traditional Chinese Medicine found that our ancients did not prefer eating beans but recommend eating sprouts of beans because it is believes beans could cause stomach 'wind'. This is why beans are processed by boiling it for a long period of time or fermenting to make it edible.
Modern research also says that beans could distrupt our metabolism. Beans contain high amount toxins such as Ricin, which was used by the former KGB in killing people. All beans contain toxins at various levels, which is why they are usually fermented into curds and other types of food, to denature some of the toxins.
Soya beans are examples of beans which are highly processed in order to make the Them edible. Most of these high temperature processing are done in aluminium vats, where the high temperature alter the structure of the proteins as well as denatures some toxins. The aluminium found in the product may also distrupt some reactions in the body, which is why food cooked with aluminium are prevented from being eaten.
Soya beans are also high in plant estrogens. Estrogens are female hormones whereas testosterone are male hormones. High consumption of soy beans could feminize males and elevate estrogen in women, which are both bad. Scientists believe that this is the defense mechanism for these plants because estrogens sterilize the males to a certain extent to control the population size of plant eaters. The toxins also harm the digestion of plant eaters, as well as kill the organisms that feed on the seeds which the plant needs to reproduce.
Some people are highly allergic to beans, as the fava beans can trigger an immune shock in vulnerable individuals which can be dangerous. Triggering our immune system regularly may result in regular damage which would be chronic and creates stress as well as a flood of hormones which will worsen our metabolic system, causing inflammation in the stomach, intestines also the bowel. Inflammation may be the main factor for cardiovascular diseases and elevation of insulin resistance in the body. Triggering of the immune system can eventually target other tissues in the body. Collaterol damage or friendly fire occurs damaging healthy cells. Furthermore, tissues which are similar to foreign proteins in the beans may become targets of the immune response.
To make things worse, soy beans contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance, causing red blood cells to clump together. Soy bean also contain goitrogens which are substances that depress the thyroid function in the body. Vegetarians who feed on 'tofu' and bean curds as a substitute to meat and dairy product risks severe mineral deficiencies such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc deficiency. Zinc is a key element in numerous vital enzymes and plays an important role in the immune system. Phytates found in soy products distrupt the zinc absorption causing a 'spacey' feeling that some vegetarians may mistake for the 'high' of spiritual enlightenment.
I am not trying to say that consuming soy bean and other types of beans are definitely going to affect our health, but taking anything excessively only brings harm to ourselves as we are happily exposing ourselves to a darker and unhealthy future.
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